LISI | Sample cooking
2013/05/18 | all news, photogalleries,

Part of the Solar Decathlon Competition is a dinner hosted by the individual teams showing the true livability of each house. After all, even though LISI might be a prototype in many aspects, one has to be able to live in it. A couple of days ago, a group of decathletes met up to sample cook our prospected menu for the dinner in California. Whomever we get to cook for, we don’t want to spoil you with a finished menu just yet. Let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy your meal.

Chef is explaining all the things we have to take care of while cooking this meal 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Daniela vigorously taking notes 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Decathletes cooking along 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

A close-up photo of flour with Karin in the background 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Another close-up of the desert. Apple-Cinnamon pockets. 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Daniela being instructed by the chef 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Daniela is smiling down at her plate while the chef is licking his fingers 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

A picture from a distance with a busy kitchen 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Benedikt serving soup. No spilling 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Macro of Pumpkin cream soup 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

The table is covered with delicious meals 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Macro of candles burning down. In the background are people talking. 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />