LISI | Ready to cook
2013/06/28 | all news, photogalleries,

This week, two large construction sites merged. After being prefabricated for several weeks at Wohncontact, a carpente’s workshop in Ebreichsdorf, our Kitchen took a little journey and moved to Weissensee. A small group of decathletes as well as two carpenters installed the entire kitchen including our unique zero-emission refrigerator, sink and dishwasher. Last but not least, we installed and adjusted the kitchen fronts by Team7 – perhaps one of the most accurate jobs on site. Nevertheless: the kitchen is ready and we have begun filling the cabinets with plates.

Kathi cutting some wood 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Kathi and Sigrid having fun installing the kitchen 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

A close-up of a drawer 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Kathi installing the blends from our dishwasher 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Kathi is proud 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Team Kitchen is finished installing 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

Sigrid having fun installing the kitchen 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />

A finished kitchen 359w" sizes="(max-width: 920px) 100vw, 920px" />